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  • Tammy Herbert

What's New at Building Hope You ask?

We're asking ourselves this very question as possibilities of ways we can help continue to grow. We can answer that question a few ways, but maybe for today, we will

say this:

There isn't much new in the work at Building Hope. We continue the same vital work to support the people of Northeast Edmonton who need food, clothes, and community. That will never change.

What we hope will be new very soon is sharing more...

• About staff who work tirelessly to provide for people they have come to love. • About volunteers who work hard and would love more people to join them! • About dreams we have to expand the ministry at Building Hope • About ways you can join us in doing this work!

So if you're seeing this for the first time, and want to stay in touch, subscribe to this blog to keep up and join our Facebook Page.

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